
"To bring into or keep in equal or satisfying proportion or harmony."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Gettting Clear & Reflecting...

Today my Grandma passed away.  She was 89 and has lived a long life. I have been reflecting on memories, and the two that I remember the most are all the giggling we have done & spending time at her house.  I love to make my Grandma laugh. Sometimes she was laughing at me instead of with me, but her eyes sent me the message of her love and partnership in my life. Sometimes she would give me that frazzled look for being too crazy, but she just excepts me for everything I am... even if a little "wild". We would laugh until we cried or pee'd our pants... maybe both!  I will never forget all the nights we would visit her & my grandpa in Idaho Falls, ID growing up. Having sleepovers with cousins and having too many of us that we were spread out all over the small house. We thought it was so fun to sleep under the table in our sleeping bags! My cousins & I would spend days just hanging out in her HUGE yard and playing crochet, ball or causing some sort of fun trouble. I remember the care free feeling of hanging out on hot summer nights under the clear blue sky with Grandma bringing out snacks (either that or we would sneak them.. ) and making sure that we were ok. 

I think sometimes it takes someone dying or tragedy to happen for us to wake up and really begin to live our lives. I have mostly enjoyed life, but have had many moments of despair or been unclear about things. One thing that is clear to me today is having a lifestyle that works for my benefit. My Grandma had surgery months ago removing some cancer a size of a small watermelon. It left a big hole and took some healing & pain.  While still healing from that, more cancer came back and took her over. Even though she was old and getting ready to go, it's my opinion that we shouldn't have to go in that state.  That we can control what happens to our body. I am not saying that maybe the cancer wouldn't have came either way, (or that she wasn't healthy or anything)  but what I have learned is that all disease (and cancer) thrives in an acidic state. When our bodies are alkaline, disease cannot exist, it's just a scientific fact.  We collect toxins through the air we breathe, the good we eat and negative thoughts that we have... the list goes on, but my point is that we can try & prevent having our bodies in distress by proper supplementation & eating healthy.  I got very clear today that I have her jeans and I can't count myself out being prone to getting ill.  But what I can do is try my best today, educate myself everyday, stay strong and be willing to sacrifice where needed to be healthy and give my kids the best dang option to live a healthy & happy life.  It begins with ME, It begins with YOU!!

I am grateful to have been attracted to a man on a mission to heal the planet, 1 by 1. Who has used his exerpertise and knowledge gained over the last 30yrs. to create something so unique with such quality. Putting everything at stake to bring Health & Vitality to the dying people of the world because of poor nutrition & lack of knowledge.  Jeff Tuttle, I am clear that your mission is much too great to do alone, you have provided stepping stone's for people to get back to the basics. For families to learn, love & thrive in trying times weather it be their health or wealth.   It is my hope that I can be as loving & compassionate as my Grandma.  That I can deliver an abundance of service to those around me so that we don't have to suffer, so that we don't have to say good bye to the one's we love before it's their time, so that families can enjoy one another instead of paying the price of something that could have been changed NOW!

Now is the time to invest in yourself and the people you love! Now that I have the knowledge, I refuse to subject my kids to anything other than what is good for them, at all costs! We only have one life, so we should totally dance while we are living!  Shake it, laugh alot & LIV BIG!!

Here's to your health, Your Family & Your life being EVERYTHING you want it to be!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Where are you Now?

Interesting how time flies and I have gone from teen & school to mom & wife... and always looking at What Is Next?!! For me lately my what next came after I had my 3rd child. After 2 boys I got my precious little girl and I was happy... BUT... not happy when I looked in the mirror and saw what I looked like!! How could this happen to me? It had been enough time to lose the weight after my 3rd pregnancy.. (If your not one of them, have you always thought you could just rip those girls heads off who have their baby and BOOP.. right back to cuteness!.. ugh!) Well one day, it was a melt down. I became Angry, pissed and extremely depressed that I was a size (oh geez, I hate saying this.. it makes me want to PUKE..) 12.  For me that wasn't normal and it didn't make me feel good.  So what was I to do? I was a stay at home mom & a realtor trying to make a living, yet I wasn't happy.  I couldn't seem to handle the tasks I had at hand and I thought... what the hell am I doing? REALLY??  Under the sadness my love for life came back out and I made a choice that day to pursue what I was REALLY passionate about, that was Health & Fitness. I had no idea how I would conquer that looking like a blob of jello walking around.  It was time to get to work! Not long after I ran into a stranger who was visiting from an island afar and we connected instantly giggling & connecting as god intended us to and there it was... my answer to my prayers of how the heck do I get started on my goals... and in stepped a solution that has changed the way I feel, look and has given me power and passion to educate myself on what it really takes to live a healthy life & feel good.  Now that I have experienced some feel good, massive energy & balance in my body, I want everyone to experience how easy it is to transform their lifestyle into one that serves a purpose for both them and their bodies both physically & mentally.  It's not the overnight fix that most want, it takes time, patience & love.

As I look back to getting started on my own transformation, it wasn't easy physically or mentally, but the concept was so simple.. that is was hard:). I first had to be with the pain of how I felt being in the state of not looking good and feeling unmotivated to accomplish what I really wanted. I didn't want to have to spend alot of money to do it, and yet, the question was clear... what are you willing to pay for your Health & Well-being? It had nothing to do with money and everything to do with believing in my self and having faith that whatever I wanted, the universe & god would provide as I set out to play the game of life!  The more I have talked to people (especially moms) I have realized that we are stopped mostly by our fears.  I come upon my fears on a daily basis, but it's what we choose to do with that fear that will bring us success or failure.

Today I am happy to say that I went from a size 12 to a size 6 because I believed that I could. I worked hard, I learned & I was willing.  I too wanted the quick fix, but a quick fix was temporary... I am happy to have a lifestyle that has not only shifted the way I look, but it's bringing me back to who I really am... Made whole, complete and perfect... you know.. in all my imperfections. I have made lifetime friends who value me, value themselves and value serving people so that we can all feel better in every aspect. When we feel better, we are happier, when we are happier we are more motivated, when we are more motivated we accomplish more and thus creating a way for us to serve other's so that we can learn, love & most of all LIV!!